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Special Collections
We hold an Annual Event for residents to dispose of their chemicals, paints, light bulbs, lead acid batteries, and grill propane tanks safely.  We expect to host two Collections, one in each County, each year.  Both collections are open to all our district residents. 
You can view the dates for our collections as well as a list of what will and will not be accepted by clicking the link below.


Community Cleanup


Community Cleanup Collections are held in Communities throughout the two Counties during the spring/summer months, with most accepting tires (at Jeffersons ONLY), appliances,  carpeting, large toys, old furniture and general large junk items.
NO… mattresses, box springs,TV's or  electronics, paints, liquids, hazardous waste materials, household garbage, construction debris, grass clippings, tree trimmings or ammunition will be accepted.  
Collections are for residents only, no items will be accepted from haulers or businesses.  Proof of residency (Jefferson/Belmont Counties) is required.
View/download/print the schedules here




We advise residents when purchasing any new tires to always ask  if they have a “take back” program, most tire shops offer this for a few bucks per tire.  Tires left outside pose health risks with mosquitoes laying eggs in the water that pools in the tires.  

We accept car & pickup truck tires at some of our Community Collections (off the rims),  and possibly a "Tires Only" centrally located event if scheduled.   All are listed in the Community Cleanup information above.  


NO Semi Tires and NO Farm Tractor Tires are accepted at any of our Collections!!


Check our "What Can I do With" Guide at the bottom of this page for other options.

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